The purpose of User Requirements is to identify the user-level requirements
and usability requirements which need to be in the product in order to
meet user needs. Defining requirements is the process of turning the higher
level problem statement or high level product definition into a more specific
statement of product functions.
In the past, requirements documents were typically a laundry list of
high and low level features, functions, wants etc. We want to evolve our
requirements documents to reflect both user requirements and system requirements
in more systematic manner. User requirements should be reflected as they
relate to users' tasks and goals. User requirements are generated from
data compiled from task analyses, user visits and or phone interviews,
surveys, field input and/or competitive product analysis. Technical and/or
system requirements are technical functions which must be part of the product,
but are not exposed to the user. They should be reflected in an Internal
Requirements document. User requirements eventually translate into the
External Specification Document. Internal requirements translate into the
Internal Specification Document.
Key Areas to
Understand and Document: |
Within the process of defining requirements, there are a number of areas
which the team (or subteam) should understand and document. These may be
included in the actual requirements document or can be referenced as supporting
Identify and Profile End Users of Proposed Product
Role descriptions:
Experience with similar products:
Identify the End Users' Environment
Operating Systems:
Disc space:
Identify User Goals
Describe user-focused goals which relate to the user tasks and product
functionality. These can be high level goals, which can later be converted
to measurable objectives for usability testing.
Identify Primary Use Cases
Use cases are a description of the primary purposes that the product
is used for. This does not include corner cases. The use cases can be used
for object-oriented modelling.
Understand the user's tasks
This should be a task analysis of relevant tasks obtained through task-focused
user interviews, use cases and user scenarios. This can be a link and does
not have to appear in the Requirements Document itself.) The team may start
with their understanding of the users' tasks, as long as they indicate
the confidence level that these tasks reflect customer tasks. Ideally,
task flows should be generated with customers and minimally, task flows
should be validated with customers. The team should also begin to extrapolate
to the future task flow. The product requirements should relate to how
the product will be improved in the future to facilitate the user's overall
future flow and goal attainment.
Document user's needs and wants (optional)
This can be a supporting document which feeds into the final Requirements
list. This can be a list of needs and wants which were requested by user's
either through surveys, visits, interviews, support calls and field information.
Needs and wants are entered into the requirements list based on their priority.
Priorities for needs and wants should be determined based on the frequency
of the request and the degree to which it relates to task success and/or
competitive parity/advantage. Needs may be better stated in relationship
to tasks (see next item).
Task/Needs-Wants Matrix (optional)
Although it is not required, a task to needs/wants matrix can be a
useful cross-reference tool to 1)identify tasks which may have been overlooked
and/or 2)needs/wants which do not relate the task domain and therefore
are probably beyond the scope of the current project. They may imply tool
interactivity issues or follow-on products.
Tasks/Functions Matrix (optional)
Also not required, but can be a useful cross-reference tool to 1) identify
functions which should be in the product to support a task and/or 2) to
identify functions which do not related to the task domain the therefore
are probably beyond the scope of the current project. Same implications
as above.
Competitive Requirements
Competitive requirements can come from competitive analyses or from
customer input. If the goal is to reach parity with a competitior, than
the task/functions supported by the competitive product should be listed.
If the goal is to go beyond the competition, than added-value or functional
opportunities should be identified. .
Final User
Requirement's List: |
List of Required Functions
The actual Requirement's List may or may not include the associated
tasks, as long as there is a good understanding of user's tasks and a link
to a task document. Requirements should be stated as functions which user's
need to carry out tasks to solve the targeted problems. They can be stated
as features, although final features are not typically decided upon until
the Design Phase. It is useful if the requirements are functionally grouped
by high level task categories.
The Requirement's List must include a prioritization between Musts,
High Wants and Wants. The source of the requirement should be listed using
a key. Musts are functions which must be in the product in order for it
to be viable. The product should not ship, if musts are not done. If this
occurs, it should only be done with sign-off by the manager and the risk
to customer satisfaction should be assessed.
These include key "givens" that the team assumes as a foundation for
proceeding with product design and development. Any questionable assumptions
should be validated. For example, all users have PCs with Windows 95 running.
Sometimes assumptions should be verified with customers.
These are typically technical constraints and their potential impact
on users. For example, the product will not run on Unix. Does this representative
a risk for customer acceptance?
Risks (required)