2018-09 Arrowhead Lodge
Some friends put me in touch with some history tours of the Poudre Canyon. These turned out to be fascinating. I agreed to do some documentary/oral history videos for them.
The Arrowhead Lodge was especially intersting to me since I grew up in a hotel myself. Very different sorts of businesses, but lots of similarities.
The Arrowhead Lodge was and is an iconic lodge located up the Poudre canyon. Besides it being an active business, it was also a hub of community activity for the people who lived and worked in the canyon. It was built by the Bradford family in early 1930s and opened for business in 1936. Bradfords sold the lodge to Stanley and Lola Case in 1946 and operated it until 1984. Stanley was able to transfer ownership to the U.S. Forest Service. This is the personal history of the lodge as related by their daughters Sheryl, Christine, and Sandra.
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Production details
Duration: 62 minutes
Cameras: Canon XA20 & XA30, Vixia
GoPro Karma, Nikon 7000
Recording: miniSD card
Format: 16x9 HD (1980x1080)
Audio: Stereo
Edit suite: Final Cut Pro X