2018-11 Norman Fry Country
Some friends put me in touch with some history tours of the Poudre Canyon. These turned out to be fascinating. I agreed to do some documentary/oral history videos for them.
Norman Fry Country was the second of these videos.
Norman Walter Fry, born in England in 1872, came to Colorado in 1889 to learn ranching and to make his way in the world. He succeeded and made a lasting impact in the Poudre Canyon and left an amazing legacy. A personal history of Norman, his wife Maud, his life-long friend Mookie, and their other friends and family are related by Sue Schneider and Sandra Lundt.
Click here to download/watch the video...

Production details
Duration: 40 minutes
Cameras: Canon XA20 & XA30, Vixia
GoPro Karma, Nikon 7000
Recording: miniSD card
Format: 16x9 HD (1980x1080)
Audio: Stereo
Edit suite: Final Cut Pro X