Tim Mikkelsen
Hello... My name is Tim Mikkelsen. I grew up in a small farm support community in Iowa - Missouri Valley. After college in Ames, Iowa, I moved to Fort Collins, Colorado in 1977 and it is home. A few years ago, I moved to Windsor. I have 2 grown children - Amanda (married to Jon) and Ben (married to Lea), with my late wife Virginia, and three grandchildren, Giovanni, Bishop, and Matilda.

I received a B.S. in 1975 in Computer Science (minoring in Mathematics) and an M.S. in 1977 in Computer Science (minoring in Electrical Engineering) degrees (from Iowa State) and a technology MBA in 1994 from the National Technological University (a consortium of universities that has since merged with the Walden University).
I spent the majority of my professional career in R&D, software, and management. During college, I did a 6 month student co-op at Tektronix in 1976. Starting in 1977, I worked at Hewlett-Packard during better days and quit in 2001 and joined Agilent Technologies (an HP spin-off) where I retired in 2013. I had done some consulting for Keysight (a spin-off of Test and Measurement equipment from Agilent) for a few years, but am now re-retired.